Patient Resources


Community Health Service Inc. is proud to serve the health needs of individuals in the community and surrounding areas whether insured, under-insured or un-insured. CHSI offers an income based sliding-fee-scale service for medical visit charges. CHSI also accepts Medicaid, Medicare & most private health insurance plans.

Community Health Service Inc. offers the following FREE services to all patients:

  • Health Assessments
  • Health & Nutrition Education
  • Bilingual Health Education Materials
  • Interpreters
  • On site INDemand interpreting services (providing interpretation services in over 200 languages)

Additional benefits are available to Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers (MSFW) and their family members who have worked in agriculture in the past 24 months. Retired and disabled farm-workers also qualify.

Qualifying individuals will be eligible for vouchers that offer limited benefits for medical, lab/x-ray, dental and pharmacy referrals. There is a co-payment for each voucher issued. After the payment has been made by CHSI any balance owed to an outside provider for services received will be billed to the individual on a sliding fee discount. For more information on any of our services, or to register as a patient, call your local clinic. Every clinic is unique in their own way. Clinic hours are typically Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm.


Our Locations